Additional deck interpretation:
The Seven of Cups points you towards a path of daydreams, confusing illusions and helpful dreams as you continue your journey through the seventy-eight passageways of growth.
This is the level on your continuous cycle of change when you could spend too much time daydreaming of castles in the sky or perhaps you will have a very significant dream. Dreams send you important messages and may help solve a hidden mystery.
You might wonder why the Seven of Cups has shown up in your reading today. Is it trying to tell you something about yourself? Or do you need to start living your dreams and stop putting them on the back burner? Do you hear a voice whispering in your ear, urging you to roll up your sleeves and get to work regarding something important to you?
Do you need to change something about your personality or appearance?
Do you need to let something go so you can grow? Will you find your life purpose, expand and prosper?
Do you feel happy with the home you have, or do you need a new home that is bigger and better?
Do you need to go back to school to further your education? Have you accomplished anything significant, or do you need to roll up your sleeves and get to work?
Do you dare live your inner desires? Do you have the courage to complete your inner spiritual work, or will you stuff your unanswered questions under the rug and do nothing?
Numerical Number 7: This number is associated with evaluation and sorting out your options so you can make a plan as to the direction you need to take.
The Element of Water: The Seven of Cups is associated with the elemental water qualities of the Moon (dreams) and the zodiac sign of Scorpio. The combination of the Moon in Scorpio makes you escape into dreams that nobody knows about except you!
Probable Outcome: You might be daydreaming or turning your desires inwards and not acting on your thoughts.
Maybe your fears are getting in the way and stopping you from making your dreams become a reality.
There might be an obstacle in the way that is preventing you from achieving your dreams.
You might have unrealistic priorities.
Or you might be stuck in an illusion, or your mind is tricking you.
Possible Outcome: You are ready to follow through with your dreams and desires.
You might be talking to others about your dreams instead of pushing them inwards.
You are letting your old ways of confusion and illusion fall away from you and are ready to make choices.
Then again, you may be unable to channel the energies of the Seven of Cups into your life. If this is the case, you probably are paying more attention to the future rather than the past and have realized that you were looking for happiness in all the wrong places. It's possible that you were looking outwards to others to make you happy.
Timing: The Seven of Cups predicts an important event that is turned inwards. This event may occur in the next weeks or months to come.