Have you been feeling emotionally detached lately? The Eight of Cups shows a journey, which on the surface, looks to be about a cold, lonely climb to the top but in reality usually implies you are feeling that you need to go within yourself, to find yourself.
There is a stillness around this image which says you do not want to be followed, conversed with or questioned on what you are thinking and feeling.
Rather, what you are going through is about you, and for you alone, and that is how you wish to keep it. It looks to be night time around you but that doesn't necessarily denote how you are feeling on the inside.
There is also the suggestion of purity and innocence within that may be your strength in what you are facing. Do not be surprised if you feel held back or misunderstood. Give yourself time to find your own steps in the path you are walking, and do not feel the need to hurry yourself because you think it is expected of you.
This is a card about finding what works for you and severing what it is around you that has not been working.
If you feel this card is to do with another person in your life who has been particularly “quiet" lately, then allow them their peace and quiet for they should emerge from it feeling replenished, which can only be a good thing when it comes to relationships.
If you have been putting too much into work or another part of your life, you may wish to sit back and think on this as a little “me" time. This may do you the world of good, and at the same time give you the opportunity to discover what you wish to do next.