Copyright Information

Unless otherwise stated, all textual content on this website and the images of the Lotus Tarot Deck are copyright Lotus Tarot 2002 - 2025

For other image copyright details, please see below.

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... simple courtesy really

NB. Individual Lotus Tarot contributors may have additional copyright requirements for their own published material, so please check for any additional copyright notices on the pages displaying their content

The Mythic Deck images are copyright © Tricia Newell and are from The Mythic Tarot by Juliet Sharman-Burke and Liz Greene, published in the US by Simon & Schuster/Fireside (1986), in the UK by Ebury Press/Random House UK (1986), in Australasia by Simon & Schuster (1989), in Canada by General/Stoddart (1988), in France by Editions de La Maisnie (2002), in Germany by Hugendubel Verlag (1987), in Czech Republic by Synergie (2001), in Russia by KSP-Plus (2000), in Portuguese by Livrarias Siciliano (1988) and reproduced by permission of Eddison Sadd Editions, London.

The Rider Waite Deck images are copied from, originally scanned from the original artwork by Pamela Coleman Smith, commissioned as a work for hire by A.E Waite and published in December 1909 by William Rider And Son of London. As far as we are aware, there is no current copyright on this version of the RWS deck art.

We don't claim any copyright on any other images on the website. Where ownership has been made available, we've linked and cited, otherwise images are just copies of generally available public web content.