Some long-awaited progress is on its way to you, a good sign that you will be moving forward very soon. Changes may be in areas of personal progression and actual physical travel or movement. The Chariot brings news that victory and success are just around the corner on whatever it is you've been putting your focus towards.
You could have many goals in mind, a lot of things on your plate, or perhaps you've even been considering a physical move or a trip.
The Chariot is a sign that things are coming together and working in your favor. This card represents determination, willpower and strong focus, a reminder that you have what it takes to attain your desires.
If you've been feeling like you've been pushing forward for quite some time now, this card could be a sign that you soon notice you are moving upwards as well. You are on the right path and heading in the right direction when the Chariot comes to you. Take the reins of your own life and steer your focus and energy towards your desired reality.
The spirit of The Chariot is victorious and fast-paced. This card's presence can mean that your life could be moving very quickly. In order to move forward in any fashion, remember to keep both your eyes and mind open for the opportunities around you. Without outward action, nothing will be accomplished.
Your confidence and willpower have gotten you this far; remember to take that sense of confidence and composure with you as you move forward in life. Your inner drive and motivation are returning, and energy is gathering momentum in your favor right now.
Balance is a major theme of this card and it could be showing up as a main lesson in your life too. Often this card is depicted with a chariot being driven by two opposing mounts, representing opposing forces in life, such as the conscious and the subconscious, inner desires and dreams and external responsibilities. The Chariot suggests that in order to best move forward we must find balance and harmony.
On a physical level, this card represents movement, travel, vehicles and transportation. It is a good omen that travel is in your future. If you have been considering traveling or planning on moving house, this card is a good sign that opportunities will soon be in alignment for you.
The Chariot heralds success and victory and indicates you are on the proper road towards reaching your goals. Remember to be assertive, confident, and take control of the reins. Where focus goes, energy flows! You can use this to your advantage by being mindful of your emotions.
The Chariot reflects that you are responsible for your own life. You sit at the driver's seat of your own chariot. To be a driver of such a powerful vehicle, you need self-mastery, discipline, and grit. Be the master of your emotions and the driver of your thoughts and you will find that you can steer your life in any direction that you want.