The Empress

Working too hard? Going through a breakup? Blaming yourself for it? Worrying about the actions of others too much? Mourning a loved one? Worrying about your future? Feeling scattered in general? Kids driving you crazy? Spending a lot of time taking care of others and feeling exhausted? Irritable? Miserable?

The Empress is a reminder that you need to TAKE A STEP BACK and give yourself some loving kindness. It gets so easy for us to get caught up in various scenarios in our lives or get consumed with dark emotions, regret, sadness etc, that we forget how necessary self-compassion is.

Let's first tackle mourning and grief. Whether it's the death of a loved one (or taking care of a sick loved one), or going through a breakup, it's so hard to find time to be present in the moment and opt to do something good for ourselves. Also, too, to not beat yourself up for past actions, or to allow yourself to be okay in the process of the moment.

All too often, we feel pressure to be in a different space. Happier, more centered, more positive, more clear, more whatever. No one is that way all the time. Especially not when dealing with loss. At any given moment it is important to be okay with where you are. If you are feeling sad, that's okay. If you are feeling happy, don't feel guilty about it.

Take the time to rest, make sure you are treating yourself right, and not overextending yourself. Do something you love, no matter how small.

For those who fall under the workaholic/too busy/scattered category, this goes for you too. It's important for you to take a time out to do things that are nurturing to you, so that you may recharge and be effective doing whatever it is you are doing. Do not feel guilty about this. Tell yourself it's necessary to the process.

When you overwork yourself, or are too busy, you can, as you well know. burn out quickly. You're unable to think with any level of clarity. Perhaps you convince yourself that this is what has to be in order to succeed doing what you're doing. Guess what? YOU'RE WRONG.

Of course not all of us can go backpacking around Europe to recharge, but doing anything throughout your day to maintain some balance, a walk, a job, listening to some music you like, trying to learn a language through that language app, a movie, video games, cooking, prayer, reading a book, WHATEVER brings you joy and a sense of nourishment, is something you need to do.

So go do something that is nourishing to you in your life, something that only belongs to you, that you enjoy authentically yourself. Do it NOT because someone else likes it, or because you feel you should recharge that way, but because it's something you are intuitively drawn towards, that centers you and helps ground you in your best self, your true self.

Above all, though, be kind to yourself and cut yourself a break. Remember that you are human, and are allowed to be vulnerable, and allowed to have some space to do things that bring joy to your heart, or at the very least rest to your soul.