The Empress

The Empress reminds us to embrace the flow of abundance all around. She recognizes the many forms of richness in her life and the more she has to be thankful for, the more she finds. She is also a sign of momentum and growth, often in more than one aspect of life.

The Empress represents feminine power, creation, love, fertility, nurturing and wealth of all forms. She reminds us to embrace our feminine side, to go with the flow, and to trust the unfolding of life. She does not push and force things to be, instead she trusts the cycles of the universe and understands everything has divine time and place.

From the Empress comes all of the pleasures, luxuries and joys that life can bring. She encourages you to breathe slowly, and take in all the beauty that surrounds you. Give yourself a moment to recognize the glory and abundance around you. Surround yourself with the pleasures that you love.

This card also encourages time spent in nature letting Mother Nature nurture you with Earth medicine. Meditate, and ground yourself outdoors, listen to the birds sing and to what the trees have to tell you. The Empress encourages you to let your bare feet touch the Earth and the wind play with your hair. Stay grounded and clear, with your feet firmly planted on the Earth.

She is also a reflection of Mother Earth, the Feminine Principle, and the goddess of Fertility. She is ruled by love and the Planet Venus, presiding over creativity, fertility, art, beauty, and grace. A wonderful way to honor the Empress within us all is to be creative and express yourself.

This card is also a sign of a coming birth. This could represent the birth of an idea, new venture or even the birth of a child. It's an omen that you will soon begin nurturing something or someone new that you've been dreaming of for quite some time.

This is a card reflecting deep nurturing, reminding us to nurture others and ourselves. Gentle love and care is a necessity of life much like food and water. The physical body and the spiritual self both need that nourishment. When The Empress comes to you in a reading, make sure you are taking the time to give to yourself. Be open to both giving and receiving love.

Divine feminine energy is needed in both men and women. It's time to embrace and recognize beauty, creativity, intuition and imagination in your life. The Empress calls you to reconnect with that energy and to find balance within your nature. Create and cultivate beauty in life. Listen to your inner voice, tend to your inner realm and nurture yourself from the inside out.