In this busy world, a lot of us lose the art of stillness when the need for it is so necessary for us to stay centered, to be as peaceful as we can, and remain productive.
When I pull the Hermit, it usually signals that the querent needs to take some time out alone to try to untangle their thoughts, and remove themselves from outside influence, so that they can become more grounded and connected to themselves.
If you find yourself guilty of checking social media too much, or your email, or texting, or you have become just overwhelmed with work or taking care of a relative, or going out too much, it's important to shut off every once in a while. Whatever your busyness, you need to settle down so you can take the time to just allow yourself to be.
This will aid in renewing your depleted energy and also allow you to regain a better sense of yourself. Most importantly, however, is that this stillness affords you the ability to get centered enough so that you can listen to your intuition better.
Everybody has an inner compass, but sometimes it's hard to decipher the signals we are getting when we are filled with too much noise. And, when we are filled with too much noise, we become distracted from our most authentic selves.
Ways to reconnect could be just taking a walk by yourself or maybe going for a long run. Or read a book. Or meditate.
The benefits of meditation are widely known, but the discipline of practicing it usually hinders most people. Those who do meditate know that once you get going, you realize how much of a difference it makes in how you approach your day, how it positively affects your health in multiple ways, and how it makes you feel more like yourself.
Tony Robbins, who meditates, says to himself every day that if he can't find ten minutes for himself, then he doesn't have a life. Sometimes it's hard to grab time, but even if you take at least five minutes, it can make a difference.
If you are lost on how to start, there are a lot of resources online for meditation, and with apps. Just do a little searching and see what resonates with you.
In short, when you are feeling overwhelmed, you should stop, check in and say, "Let me take a breather here, so I can think more clearly."