The Hierophant symbolizes sacredness and reverence for all. He represents a tribal energy of connection and a calling on ancient wisdom of what came before - the traditions and rituals set in place in order to create foundations.
He speaks to the power of many, is a reminder to join forces, to become a collective whole. He reminds you where you come from, your source, and asks that you honor your roots, are clear on your fundamental beliefs and stand up for who you truly are.
There is a teacher within you and teachers everywhere you go. The Hierophant shows up to shine light on the many situations that arise to help you discover your truths. There is so much to learn from connecting with others. Make time to be present and get real with your loved ones, maybe even step outside your comfort zone and make new connections. We are here to work together and lift each other up.
The Heirophant plays shaman and leader by reminding us of what came before and helping hold tight the bonds between us. Find your place in the world, find where you belong, and remember that you were never meant to go it alone. Find your Unity in community.
This is also a time to look deeper within yourself, to peel away the layers and find your core beliefs, to question them. Be solid in your knowing and let it bring to you a sweet peace where you are safe and held, a part of the whole. Release attachment to THINGS and hold dear to the BEINGS in your life. Take this opportunity to pursue what excites you. Find a new understanding about something you love, a new perspective on life. Take pride in doing the right thing for yourself and know that when you move in accordance with your truth, your highest good, that it is the highest good for all.
While you are being reminded to have the strength and courage to stand up for what you believe, first know why you believe it. Gather the knowledge that will give you a solid foundation to stand on. Be strong in your knowing and beliefs and seek others who believe the same. Create traditions and rituals that honor and cherish your beliefs. Look at all of life as worship to love and serve her well. Keep the balance between self and connection to others.
Find new ways to unlock the magic that lives in everything. Hold reverence and regard for life - your life, for all life. Know with all you are that you are a part of the whole, we all come from the same source and are here to be loved. Love the life you live, and live the life you love. Help others in every way you can and know that with every step you take you are moving in the direction of your highest good! The teacher is in all things; you need only remember.
Today's Meditation:
Find a sweet, sacred space, step inside. Set a timer for 10-20 minutes. Relax and soften. Deepen your breath and feel the vibration of your heart, quiet your mind. Silently to yourself or out loud repeat the mantra; "God and Me, Me and God we are one."
When your timer goes off, release your mantra. Feel your connection to it all. Stay here for as long as you can. Enjoy the ride!