The High Priestess

The High Priestess is the intuitive guide, a prophet, the great mother. She holds wisdom from beyond the veil; in fact, she is the guardian of the veil. This Priestess is connected to the moon in all its aspects and she is the keeper of ancient lore.

Deep, mysterious, fluid, and seductive, she is the embodiment of the feminine. However, she has found an inner balance of both female and male energies; the dance truly exists within her.

The High Priestess holds all authority, but does so with compassion, love, and integrity. She is a seer, an illuminated light, a speaker of truths. She calls on you now to rise up, to go within, and to trust in your soul.

When the High Priestess appears on your path it is time to go deep within, to sink your feet into your experience, and to connect to what is true and meaningful in your life. Take this card as a sign to step back and clear your space, to get quiet, meditate, and listen to the guidance that comes through you.

Dreams hold a special importance right now; pay attention to them. Allow your creative juices to rise up and to shine bright, let your dreams guide the way. Give yourself permission to not only hear your inner voice, but to trust it, and to follow it's guidance. It will not lead you astray!

This card speaks of equilibrium in all aspects of your life. Seek balance; find it with meditation, yoga, and expressing your creative energies. Honor all that is deep within you, including the unknown, which you might fear at first. But rest assured all parts of you come from love and when you honor and find balance, all the parts exist in harmony.

Today's Meditation:

Move into a comfortable position with a straight spine, either lying flat on your back or sitting straight up with your back against the wall. Relax, slow down and deepen your breathing. Let your skin soften, and your muscles relax. Be still! Ask your mind to take a rest; this is "no mind time".

Once you have reached a sweet space of relaxation, close your eyes, and start to focus your attention on the base of your spine. Visualize the color red as you breathe in and out. See it get bigger, brighter, and stronger. Take 5 deep breaths like this. Then let it go.

Next bring your attention into the space right under your navel. Visualize the color orange as you breathe in and out. Allow it to get bigger, brighter, and stronger with every breath. 5 breaths, then let it go.

Then bring all your attention into the space right above your navel. Visualize the color yellow as you breathe in and out. See it grow bigger, brighter, and stronger. 5 breaths. Then let it go.

Next bring your attention into your heart center in the center of your chest. Visualize the color green as you breathe in and out. Not only see it grow bigger, brighter, stronger, start to feel it! 5 times, then let it go.

Then bring your attention into your throat. Visualize the color blue as you breathe in and out. Feel it and see it grow bigger, brighter stronger. 5 breaths. Let it go.

Next bring your attention into the space right between your eyebrows. Visualize the color purple as you breathe in and out. See it, feel it get bigger, brighter, stronger. 5 breaths, then release it.

Then bring your attention into the crown of your head. Visualize the color white as you breath in and out. See and feel this light with everything you are. Feel it fill your entire body. 5 breaths, then let it go!

Finally, bring your attention back into your heart. Lie here and breathe for as long as you like, but for at least 5 breaths. When you are finished offer up gratitude and thank yourself for balancing your mind, body, and spirit!

Stay in your heart for as long as you can and enjoy the way you feel!