The High Priestess

The High Priestess is the gatekeeper of the subconscious. She is the mysterious, imaginative energy behind creation. She is the keeper of knowledge and the guardian of mystery.

When the High Priestess comes to you in a reading, she thins the veil between the worlds and invites you to look for answers within.

Now is the time to listen to your inner voice, act on your intuition and open your third eye.

You may be at a crossroads in life, or feeling unable to choose a direction. Your next best choice is to hang back and reflect. The High Priestess generally appears when you need to slow down and consult your higher self.

You are being asked to go deeper into yourself, to look beyond the surface and read between the lines. Listen to your gut, your inner knowing and your first emotional response. Trust yourself when you feel something is "off." Take a moment to pause and look within before proceeding with the next step.

This card is a reminder of your own divine power and potential. It reminds you that you have unlimited possibilities within yourself and now is the time to access your inner wisdom and knowledge. The High Priestess reminds us of the adage "as above, so below" and "as within, so without"; a reminder of our ability to create the life of our dreams by becoming it first.

Before rushing forward, step back and rest in a place of knowing and allowing. Use your imagination, intuition and visualization skills to become what it is you want to manifest from the inside first, trusting it will come to fruition. As within so without.

Try to go with the flow instead of pushing against resistance. This friction will only bring you more resistance. Allow your life to unfold as it should, in its most pure form.

Find peace in stillness. Take deep breaths. Meditate. Allow the path to unfold and seek guidance from within.

Remember that your subconscious mind is powerful. The thought patterns that are formed in the subconscious have a tremendous impact on your life. Be watchful of the things you say and remember there is power behind your words and thoughts!

Take a step back and look within to gain a clear perspective; remember your higher self knows best. Relax and trust your inner knowing and the High Priestess within to figure out the problems for you and, as always, trust your gut instinct.