The Moon is a card of illusions, of fears and of seeking your path while remembering that there is no such thing as a wrong way. This card entreats caution; you must slow down, get grounded and really look closely to see what is there for you.
The Moon requires you to lift your veils, release your fears and choose a path. She does not care which path, just that you get moving. You may be confused because you feel stagnant, unable to proceed.
However, it is time to take action and walk your path. Let go of your fears and trust that you will be able to see by the light of the Moon.
The Moon inspires your creativity and sparks the flame of your greatest Self. You can see this in your imagination, but maybe your fears are feeling pretty heavy right now. Are your thoughts telling you all the reasons why you cannot proceed? It can be scary at times making a path in the dark. We have been taught to fear the darkness, but without the dark there would be no light.
Trust in your dark side to find the way. Trust that the light will shine through. It is in this trust that Moon energy will help manifest your dreams, and move you into your highest Self. Your powers explode when you tap into Moon energy. Your senses are heightened and you feel more alive than ever before.
There are words of caution when the Moon shines on you. Watch where you are going, pay attention. Also, be aware of those around you; they may be allowing their fears to lead them. Acknowledge them for who they are and let them go. Do not allow your fears to lead you. When you move from your heart, from a place of love, you will not be led astray.
And finally, be mindful of your ego. Do not let the illusion of power cloud or overshadow your true purpose. You know how to use power with compassion and with love. Let go of greed or recognition from others, it will not serve you in the end. Do what you do because you love it, because it inspires you. Let go of the fruit of your actions and trust that all is for the greatest good.
And remember that the dark side of the moon is your wild side. The more you suppress it, the more it boils within, ready to explode. Let it out every now and then. Go a little crazy, have a lot of fun. And honor this part of yourself. It is with the balance of the light and the dark that you find your true Self, your highest Self.
The Moon represents the spirit of inspiration. Get inspired. Follow your dreams and trust that when you allow yourself to be pulled by the draw of what you love, you cannot be led astray! Bask in the moonlight, feel it on your skin. It is delicious, it will inspire you, it will remind you of who you truly are.
Today's Meditation:
Step into your sacred space, find stillness, relax. Set a timer for 10-20 minutes. Breath deeply, slowly, mindfully. Place your right hand in the center of your chest and experience the vibration that is you. Become undefended, open to love, the love you are made of.
Silently to yourself, or out loud, repeat the mantra: "The light within me grows brighter and stronger every day."
When the timer goes off, release your mantra. Be still for as long as you can. Honor the light that you are made of.