The World is a wonderful card with many meanings including completion, travel, achievement and wholeness.
On the wholeness front, it talks about integrating things into your life that allow you to feel the totality of yourself. Maybe this means taking control of the foods you consume, or trying more kinds of foods. Or perhaps focusing on your goals, keeping in touch with those who nourish your soul, exploring new things, empowering yourself to do whatever you are capable of doing.
What would a healthy life look like, where you feel a wholeness of self? If you are not already feeling this way, take some time to think on things (WITHOUT putting pressure on yourself). Then maybe start working on the list that you make to go forward, taking intentional action on whatever you can. Wholeness takes time and should be approached with enthusiasm and resolve to live the way you want to be living.
If travel is indicated, travel is a wonderful way to feel brand new. So if you have some wanderlust in your heart, act on it. At the end of your life, experience is what matters, and not the things you own.
And as far as completion and achievement go, perhaps right now you are in a place where you are about to reach your glory. Sometimes this card talks about the power in feeling achievement, so if you are working on something, keep going. The satisfaction of completion will be like no other.
Sometimes the World also talks about closing a past chapter of your life, so that you may start a brand new one. If this resonates with you, work from the present moving forward, stand tall, and walk ahead into what will be brand new.
Let this passage of my favorite poem “Dogfish" by Mary Oliver guide you:
“I wanted the past to go away, I wanted
to leave it, like another country; I wanted
my life to close, and open
like a hinge, like a wing, like the part of the song
where it falls
down over the rocks: an explosion, a discovery;
I wanted to hurry into the work of my life; I wanted to know,
whoever I was, I was
for a little while."