The Wheel of Fortune is a good sign that change is coming your way. This card symbolizes the inevitable shifts in life, a reminder that just as a wheel turns, so do our circumstances. There may be a need to adapt here, but also a need to have trust that nothing stays the same forever.
Learn to flow with the cycles and seasons of life rather than push against them. There are many ups and downs that we experience and choosing the path of least resistance helps build trust in ourselves and the universe.
The old saying, "what goes up, must come down" is a great representation of this card. Trusting that the good times will return opens up avenues for good to flow to you. Acknowledging both the good and bad times are parts of our personal growth helping us build awareness.
Cycles are a central theme with this card, representing the recurring patterns and phases in life. This can show up in seasons, relationships, career and personal development. There may be some endings you need to accept, but remember with each ending, there is a new beginning.
Recognize the rhythms at play in your life and learn to work within these patterns. Each turn of the wheel offers new lessons and opportunities to better understand yourself. Are there any patterns in life you need to embrace and learn from? Perhaps a habit or a cycle within your life has ended, or will be ending soon. Remember, a wheel needs to turn smoothly in order for life to function properly. Being resistant to change will in turn give you more resistance in life.
This card can also signal chance and luck are on your side. Positive change is on the horizon for you. A change of perception may be needed to find these opportunities, so it's time to look for the silver linings after the storm. Something you are waiting for may be hiding within the chaos.
The best way to tap into this new found luck is to claim it with an attitude of gratitude. You can find miracles in even the most mundane of moments when you are thankful for what is already around you. Keep an open mind and be receptive to ideas on fate, chance and serendipity.
The Wheel of Fortune can relate to destined outcomes. It can emphasize the interconnectedness of our actions and choices as part of a greater web of events. It encourages us to both trust in the unfolding of the path and to also take action on our goals, trusting that what is meant for us will find us.
Rather than standing still while the cycles continue, you are reminded to take action in your own life and be the driver behind the steering wheel. This may mean taking a step back to see your situation from someone else's perspective or by simply shifting your perception to one of gratitude.