The Five of Pentacles can sometimes have you feeling a little left out in the cold.
This may be something as simple as being overlooked in the midst of a group gathering or conversation or as big as having someone leave your life. Whichever it is, little or large, there is a sense of abandonment that you are left to deal with and sometimes you don't know all the answers to the questions this can bring up within you.
These questions may also relate to how you dealt with similar abandonment issues in the past and questions on what you are going to do next. Some people deal well with abandonment. They brush themselves down, pick themselves up and get on with their lives. Others take it all to heart and look for the "who, where, why, what" answers that may never be forthcoming because in actuality the feeling you are experiencing had more to do with the other person or people than it did with you.
This card often comes up when there has been a break up in a relationship. I generally read it as a woman leaving a man and the man feels as if his life has been left in limbo and doesn't know what to do next. It is also a card that states the woman is well and truly ready to leave the relationship and is possibly doing so because she has endured all she can and sometimes this is the “wake up" call the man needs to start fixing things. It's also more often than not too late to fix things.
If you are a woman reading this card meaning you may have just left or be on the verge of leaving someone or something that is important to you in your life. If you are a man reading this card meaning and you suspect your relationship is on rocky ground I would suggest you decide if it is worth saving because the outcome could soon be out of your hands.