Not such a pretty picture, right?
As with all tarot cards, the Five of Pentacles has a million meanings, especially in combination with one another. This card could typically signal ill-health, a toppling of finances, feeling rejected, BEING rejected, etc.
So at this point you might be wondering, why so much love for the bleak scene? Because this card signals something else entirely when I pull it for a client, which I've learned while pulling it for myself over and over again.
This card tells me to remind the person I'm reading for that they are thinking too negatively, focusing too much on worrying about what they don't have, being fatalistic about their future, or not doing something that is spiritually fulfilling for them. It's high time for them to step away from all that and change how they're thinking to open up to more abundance.
I know some people think that if they're constantly thinking positively, they are being naive, or too much of an idealist, and not realistic enough about life. So, I'm going to change the words I'm using here from "positive" thinking to "proactive abundant" thinking, because that's really what I'm trying to get across here.
Like, for instance, when you ask questions like "Is this guy or gal going to cheat on me?" or "Will I ever be happy?" or "Will I ever find love?" or "Will I pass my final exam?" etc, you are not only giving your power away in the situation, but acting from a sense of insecurity and lack of faith. And I get it, it's easy to get caught up in those kinds of questions, but think how differently you feel when you frame the question "What can I do to find love?" or "What advice do you have for my relationship/career/spiritual path?" or telling yourself "I'm going to find someone who is faithful, and loves me for me," or "I'm going to find a job in a positive environment that is right for me."
The energy is different. And to get completely metaphysical on you, it shifts your vibrations, so that you can attract more of what you want. When you put out more proactive energy, the universe responds in kind. It's also better for your physical well-being because it's restoring possibility for some questions and you're also taking back your power!
As with most things involving change, it takes work to change your thoughts. Sometimes it's extremely hard to believe you are deserving of positive things or what you want - that's mental programming we might get from society, our family, and ourselves. This train of thought has the illusion of making us feel like we have control. It's always easier to crawl up inside what we lack, because we know what that is; we can put our finger on it. It's faith and having the hope that things will get better that's hard, because we can't see ahead, but it's those two things that keep our lights shining.
Ask yourself what will make you feel the most empowered. Ask what you can do for you, not put the focus on things out of your control. Your chest will feel more open to that, even if the fear is still there. Have the courage to follow along. And have faith that the things that aren't working out no matter how hard you try, are probably not working out because you are meant to do something greater.
Recognize when you are coming from a sense of fear or insecurity and tell yourself you will find a way out. Do your best to eliminate negative words, and replace them with words that have more of a proactive charge to them. Don't say “I'm worried," say “I'm trying to figure out ...", etc. When you have a broken heart, instead of saying “I don't know how I'm going to get through this" say “I am going to get through this," or “I will get the help that I need" or whatever makes sense to you.
Even if you don't feel that way initially, say whatever you need to say until you start seeing the change. With an accumulation of small steps comes large changes.
Step back and breathe. Think above and beyond.