The Five of Pentacles is a card of extreme distress and addresses worry, doubt, fearfulness and living in scarcity.
This card can relate to the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects in your life.
Regardless of the aspect being affected, the Five of Pentacles is a sign that you need to find a way to calm your mind, to release the debilitating anxiety that has found its way into the core of your being.
The distress indicated by this card can show up in many ways and multiple shapes and sizes. The Five of Pentacles can materialize as an illness, a lost job, financial misfortune, rejection or a combination thereof. However, the main current of this card is the anxiety and stress that this turbulence will be causing for you.
Storms come and storms go, as do the wind, sleet and hail. Difficult times take their toll on us all and make it more of a challenge to find peace within. But peace within is exactly what this card is requiring of you.
Worrying, doubts and anxiety are all fear-based thinking. The true gift of this card is to remind you to choose love. Your natural birth right is a state of abundance and you are made of love. Fear separates you from this love.
Worrying does you no good. It's time to begin OR renew a meditation practice. Spend time every day connecting to yourself, your heart and your source. Find the stillness and in the stillness you will find peace.
Allow the obstacles in front of you now to become the opportunities for you to transform yourself into being unshakable. To be unshakable is to be at peace, to know that all of life, even the difficult parts, is happening for you, not to you. Calming your restless mind will in turn calm your life.
Today's Meditation:
Find a sweet, sacred space and relax. Sit with a neutral spine. You can also lay down or sit with your back against a wall. The important thing to remember is to be comfortable!
Bring your attention to your breath. Follow your breath as it moves in and out of your body, relax even more.
Silently to yourself or out loud repeat the words: "I open my heart to receive."
Repeat this mantra over and over for 10-20 minutes (you can set a timer before you begin). When you are finished and have released the mantra simply sit in stillness for as long as you can and just listen.
Allow yourself to open to your heart's desire and know that you are moving in the flow of the universe.