The Four of Pentacles indicates that possibly something has been held onto at the expense of sharing more deeply. Over-focus on one life aspect and under-focus on another needs a rebalance.
To change your happiness level, look at what is important to you that you may have denied yourself.
The Four of Pentacles is the card of blockage that is not necessary.
Sometimes we get good at receiving or giving in one way but forget about another. Careful introspection on this can cause some wonderful joy and even miracles.
This single-focus perspective toward life does not make the person any less worthy innately. This is a growth opportunity. This experience of changing your focus time in a couple of ways brings in wonderful new bounty.
If you did not grow up in a generous household, or lack has harmed you, you may have fear about receiving all the good life offers. Now you are ready to change.
Perhaps you judge yourself in some way privately. Be lavishly positive toward yourself to help yourself know that more is available to you.
Holding on to old perspectives will cause you to feel incomplete while adopting new ones will bring fulfillment. Time for a new approach.
When you utilize the Four of Pentacles consciousness, you can stop denying yourself to find a happier road. You have endless doors waiting for you. Open them!
Get help! Make amends to yourself or others if you have blocked another's flow in some way. Change your path now for great results.
What are three ways you can give to yourself and three ways you can give to others in place of holding back?
Meditate on the good feelings you have had when someone gifted you something.
Gift another. Meditate on the feeling this evokes inside you.
Gift yourself. Meditate on how this new experience of energy feels.