![Four of Pentacles](https://www.free-tarot-reading.net/img/cards/lotus-tarot/four-of-pentacles.jpg)
So, in the Four of Pentacles a man clings to his earthly goods with a death grip.
As I say for most of the cards, this one has several meanings. It could mean right now you should save your money. It could mean also that someone is emotionally unavailable, but I'm going to focus more on clinging to things and when we need to learn how to release and be more open, which sometimes incorporates the first two items.
Sometimes when we lack money, we think that clinging to every penny and WATCHING every penny, or worrying about if we will make our bills, is going to allow us the control of making sure we are stable. When we do this, we shut off our energy to abundance and the potential of what we could have.
There is a difference in energy when you tell yourself “I don't have any money," as opposed to “I want to have more money." The latter is more proactive, and sets an intention with the universe that you want to move forward, allowing the universe to help you figure out ways in which to do so.
But getting away from money, let's talk about people and emotions, especially people who are emotionally unavailable. Perhaps you are emotionally unavailable because of some pain from your past that you are unable to let go of for fear that you might get hurt all over again. The best way to combat that fear, and to get stronger, is to actually do the opposite and allow yourself to be vulnerable.
Brene Brown, the great social researcher and CEO of COURAGE works, talks about how being vulnerable is courageous, the courage being shown by taking a risk and not knowing the outcome. It's in this space that we begin to live, to grow, to expand. And in doing all three of those things, we feel stronger, more in control, because we start navigating the process by learning more ourselves. And the real part of it is, to realize the strength we already have in reserve within ourselves to handle what comes next.
Being open, doesn't mean being out of control; it's actually giving up control and trusting that there is something great out there for you, knowing that even if it's not the next thing, or the thing after that, that eventually you will get there. But you have to take the first step to being open.
Also, being open, not keeping the cards close to your chest, helps guide you to your deepest, truest, authentic self. This also pertains to holding onto anger, which we do because we know it's easier than feeling pain, and finding ways to compassionately let go of a situation. This is HARD and takes work, but all you are doing is letting something take up emotional real estate that should be just yours, and used more productively to make you feel GOOD.
To visit another spectrum of emotional unavailability, let's talk about clinging to people who don't belong to us. Sometimes we want someone (or something so badly), that even if they are giving us nothing in return, we try to explain it away by hoping they'll change, or that maybe if we give more, they will finally come around. What we really should be doing here is taking in this information and realizing that we need to walk through the open door behind us, where available love waits. It's easy to cling to things, because we worry about losing them, when really we've already lost.
Giving love to someone who doesn't want it is like throwing all your hard-earned money into the fire. You deserve to spend it on someone worth your time, but first you must remember the love and respect you have for yourself to do that. Ask yourself, "Is this situation making me feel good or does it feel like I'm pushing eighteen elephants up a hill?"
That is a shut door, and I assure you, if you have the courage to let go, and peer through the open one, you will be rewarded eventually.