The Four of Pentacles is a card of possessions obtained, goals achieved and insight gained.
This card brings to you an opportunity to expand into your highest Self and remember why you are here. Take a good look around. Are you holding on tight to people, ideas and things you have acquired? This Pentacle calls attention to attachments, to the things that bind you. Loosen your grip; there is no need to grasp for anything.
Your material dreams in this world are coming to fruition. You have achieved security and sustainability in your life and it feels good. However, there is a part of you that is fearful of it all disappearing. Due to this fear, you are holding some things really tight, to make sure not to drop them.
The Four of Pentacles warns of this fear-based thinking. Your natural birth right is abundance. You have now and will always have what you need. Holding things tight will not assure their permanence; it will actually create the opposite vibration.
You have the capacity to create all that your heart desires. In fact, one of the major reasons you are here is to follow your heart. The creative process is a dance with life and abundance is a product of this dance.
So live it up, create all that you want. Just remember that all material possessions in this world are but illusions to play with, to experience and to set free. Try to see it all as a game, to hold lightly not tightly.
There is a flow or energy that moves through the universe. Move with the flow. Stay connected to your source with mediation and / or prayer. Stay present and be playful. Let things come and let things go. Trust that you are safe.
Release the need to control everything and trust in your soul. You are life creating life, you are abundance. Dance with life and enjoy the music you make. If you want to take things a little deeper read the Tao Te Ching (one of my favorite translations is by Stephen Mitchell).
Today's Meditation is a moving meditation.
Every person you come in contact with today has something for you and you have something for them.
Be mindful of this.
Offer to everyone you meet a gift, be it a compliment, a flower, words of encouragement, anything that feels right to you.
Trust your inner guidance.
In addition, be aware, be open to receiving something from each person you come in contact with. Step into the flow and see where it takes you.
Enjoy your day!