The Four of Pentacles is a card of both material possessions and emotional possessiveness.
When this card appears in a reading it signifies that the querent has accumulated a great deal of wealth but that they are keen to keep a tight hold of it and may be prone to miserly behaviour. In this respect it may also indicate a certain unwillingness to share feelings or even buy gifts. The Four of Pentacles most often references wealth which is accumulated either by inheritance or by saving.
This pentacle is not necessarily a card of business; it speaks of safeguarding resources. In a similar vein it can reveal a character who has an inability to let go of people and situations which do not serve them, a habit that can easily deteriorate into being controlling and possessive.
The Rider Waite deck displays a king-like figure clutching four pentacles. There are two beneath his feet to symbolise his mastery over his finances, one over his chest to reflect his restrained emotions, and one above his head to show his mastery over his thoughts. The crown he wears reflects the regal and comfortable status he has reached in life and the town in the background appears to belong to him. This individual is a magnate of sorts and he does not intend to share!
In a love reading, watch out for a partner who is a miser, who won’t share their resources with you. This pentacle's appearance may even predict that your love interest will require a prenuptial agreement before they will agree to marry you. Since this is a card of stinginess, be warned that this person may not be emotionally available to you and will guard their true feelings.
Most negatively, this card speaks of possessions: look out for controlling and possessive behaviours. This is a warning sign of possible abuse and coercive behaviour. On the other hand, you may be prone to neediness and feel you need to keep tabs on your partner. This card advises you that such behaviour is not a good way to help your relationship flourish.
The positive manifestation of this card indicates a partner who wants all your time: they feel they have found the love of their life and will not let go under any circumstances. Overall, if this card lands in a future position, it does not bode well, as it signifies that one partner will want to move on but the other may not let them go so easily.
In a work and career reading this card may appear when a business has been built up and the owner is perhaps unwilling to spend more to make it grow. Look at whether this is a limiting mindset which needs to be addressed because excessive conservatism is not conducive to financial success. This card also represents a business person who does not know how to enjoy life enough and is too concerned with accumulating and hoarding wealth.
In a general financial sense, this is a card of investing money and doing well from these investments. It can also symbolise cutting people out of inheritances.
Positive Aspects: wealth accumulated by hard work, wise investments, financially sound
Negative Aspects: emotionally restrained, miserly, disinheritance, greed, dour personality, extreme possessiveness, controlling