When it comes to his personal and working life this man means business!
The King of Pentacles is well equipped to deal with the practicalities and nitty gritty of life that may leave most people reeling in the wake of all the work that is involved.
He is patient, methodical and practical making him the type of person you can lean on in times of trouble or crisis.
Whilst the signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are usually associated with the King of Pentacles, it can also be a person with a lot of earth signed planets in their chart.
When it comes to life and relationships this man likes to know where he is going. He'll usually have a plan and he'll stick to it in an effort to get from “A" to “B".
If this “A" to “B" includes you, then you need to realise he will not be pushed into action as he knows what needs to be done before he is ready to proceed. He is great at building the foundations to any relationship or business. You would do well to keep that in mind, because he needs to know that something is built on solid ground before he is willing to commit to it.
He enjoys working as part of a team and is usually a very solid part of that team. This King can be found in many leadership positions especially if it involves taking care of money.
Allow this man to nurture what is around him and express his delight as it grows. There is a certain amount of pride associated with the King of Pentacles and that pride extends not only to himself, but also to those around him. Allow him to build the foundations and allow him to enjoy spoiling you with the fruits of his labour.