The Knight of Pentacles is a man with a plan. He knows what he wants and is not afraid to go after it. He is committed to the path he is on as he knows when he gets to the end of it, all of his hard work will have paid off.
This man does not tend to take any short cuts to reach his final goal, rather he works with determination and precision - sometimes to the detriment of others around him.
If he is in your life then you may be excused for feeling as if you come second to his work. It is not that he does this intentionally, rather he views his work as a means to an end in setting the foundation for other areas of his life. This includes relationships.
You may need patience and perseverance as he puts in motion his grand plan. He does not do things by halves and expects others around him to be equally as hard working. If you like to be with a man who is working for a better life, climbing the ladder of success and generally doing so off his own talents, then this is the man for you.
He may be caught up in the end goal he is aiming for but at the same time he is also aware that when he reaches it everything in his life falls into place.
You may need to remind him that sometimes taking his eye off that end goal, putting in some rest and relaxation time, will get him to the end of his journey quicker.