Page of Pentacles

The Page of Pentacles usually heralds in a new plan in your life.

Is there something you have been wishing to put into motion that usually requires a bit of hard work? Is there a plan you have been thinking to put into motion that will benefit you financially?

This Page shows the beginnings of that dream and the seeds being planted ready for it to take off. When this dream does take off it will flourish.

There are minimum losses with the Page of Pentacles, as he tends to have all avenues covered due to the fact that he doesn't like surprises.

You may be accomplished in many areas of your life but want to learn something new, knowing it can take you far. If this is the case, do your homework in what you need to do next to take you forward along the new path you are thinking of pursuing. You can use your past skills and accomplishments to help you along the way or, you can do something which is totally new to you.

There is money linked to the Page of Pentacles. It may be money you need to launch your new plan off the ground, or it may be money you are dreaming of making once things are properly in place and your vision becomes a reality. Either way it is nice to know that this money is sitting in your hands and you don't have to go far to find it.

This Page can also refer to a younger male at the beginning of his career. He is ready to learn, he is willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead and he is also wise enough to know that you need to put something away for a rainy day and not squander what you have.