The Ten of Pentacles bodes well for success in business, financial and family matters.
If you receive this card within a reading it points to a successful outcome with happiness for all concerned.
If you are waiting for news concerning money matters, this news looks to be positive as well as placing you, and your dependents, on a firmer financial footing.
Family also features strongly in the Ten of Pentacles. If there has been a rift in your family, then rest assured, it will soon be mended and strong family bonds will once again be restored. Other cards around it may show a new addition to the family which is beneficial to all concerned. Family gatherings, celebrations and strength is shown in this image.
A promotion at work may be in the pipeline. If you are considering a new job or change in career, the Ten of Pentacles shows you are on the right path and this change would be beneficial to you, especially financially. Success builds success and this is your time to shine. Do not be put off by any hurdles you need to overcome because nothing will stand in your way.
You may be looking at your life and deciding where you have been successful and how this came about. If this is the case then you may see a pattern emerging that works well for you when it comes to success. Take this pattern and run with it as success is now knocking at your door again.
All you have to do is open the door and let it into your life.