The Two of Pentacles brings many reminders to you. It reminds you to take life's opportunities and obstacles in stride while while remembering your true nature.
It asks you remember that your true nature consists of abundance, joy and existing in the present, and that you are perfectly capable of staying focused on your intent and being grounded in the moment.
It reminds you that in the midst of many things happening at once, that you can find balance and peace within the chaos.
Many times the chaos in life distracts us and we start looking to the future and what we want to create, forgetting that in order to manifest we must truly be rooted in the present.
Financial worries and concern for how everything will happen clouds our connection to Self and Source. The energy of the Two of Pentacles appears to remind you there is no need to worry. You have all you need within to progress in the direction you seek.
This card reminds you to stay centered, focused and mindful, and to remember that life is meant to be enjoyed. Follow what makes you happy and find happiness everywhere. This is the key to life and all your heart's desires are within reach.
The Two of Pentacles encourages you to believe in yourself and to feel your strength and power rise up within. It requires that you do not try to force anything to happen; instead go with the flow. Obstacles will appear as well as opportunity - try to seem them in the same light. This is all one big game, there is no wrong way. Instead choose the path that offers you greatest joy and take comfort in knowing that all paths lead to the same place: your greatest good!
When looking deeper into this card, you may see yourself juggling all of life! Is it in balance?
Give yourself permission to have the confidence that no matter what, you will know the way, your path is unfolding. Even when times feel uncertain, remember to create space and reconnect. You will shine through.
Find peace from within and trust in your path. Remember to be focused in this moment. What is the day to day stuff that you need to let go of in order to plan for the future? Come back to the present, get established in a routine and a rhythm, align yourself with who you want to be, and most importantly have fun with it all. Laugh a lot and give love to all those around you.
If you have financial issues on your mind, this card is requiring you to get to work. Start taking care of the things you have been putting off due to worry. The worry is bringing your vibration down. By taking action you increase your vibration, you align yourself with the direction you wish to take and you send out a message that you are for real, ready to move through life with ease and flexibility. There are always many ways through. Just relax, go with the flow and listen to your heart and spirit, and trust that you will know what to do when it is in front of you.
If your thoughts are regarding a relationship, this card tells you to find balance and remember that in order to receive we must also give. So, Dear One, give to yourself the love you wish to receive. Fall in love with YOU!
Remember that you are this amazing light, divinely created to enjoy life! Love with all you are and see the love in everything. Follow your heart and trust that you will know what to do next when the time is right. Again, ground yourself in the present. Let go of the past and the pain, and stop worrying about the future. Your time is now, enjoy it.
Let love be your guide, see through the eyes of love and trust that everything is leading to your greatest potential.
This card is one of renewed faith in yourself, a card of fun, excitement and moving through life with ease and grace. Find your grace and choose that your path is one of ease, bliss and grace!
Today's Meditation:
Find a quiet space, set a timer for 10-20 minutes. Get comfortable, relax, soften. Focus all of your attention on your breath and the energy of your heart. Let your mind be still.
Silently to yourself, or out loud, repeat the mantra: "I release the struggle and move with the flow of life."
When your timer goes off, let the mantra go. Stay in the stillness for as long as you can. Trust in the flow, it will take you to your highest good!