There are times to surrender to the genius of the light. There are other times to take willful action on behalf of the light.
This card requires your mental action on behalf of the light. You must cut through the non-truths surrounding you as well those inside of you.
There is no need to be judgmental of yourself and others. Non-truths are forgivable. Non-truths pave the way to greater embodiment of truths!
Time for a scrupulous inventory on anything in your mind and others' minds that seems disharmonic.
Looking carefully at the maps in our own brains and others' brains can be alarming. Sometimes we prefer not to look. But at what cost?
The gain is deeper maps of light. This leads us to better maps of security, wellness, prosperity, and love!
A common trap is to think that as we go into more and more powerful yet subtle frequencies of light, we can pull others up. This thinking can take you way down.
Your focus must be your own work right now. The forces are on your side for an upgrade!
Discrepancy from what rings true and what doesn't is the task. In the experience of others' non-truths, bypass and forgive. Refocus on your own work.
Look more deeply at yourself so that there is zero entry room for any other thoughts, emotions, or actions unless these thoughts, emotions and actions expand and clarify the light within you.
Are you feeling ready to give up anything and everything that doesn't serve the light maps? Even if you don't have a clue on where this will lead you?
Are you ready to be bewildered by levels of benevolence you never felt before?
When you deny Ace of Swords consciousness, you are taking the easy way out. This is to your detriment. Avoiding a clear-eyed, meticulous look at what is habitual and nonproductive mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually has immense cost.
The Ace of Swords invites you to take full charge of cutting out any non-truths! In alignment with what you sense the light is telling you, you are destined for victory. Strong spiritual upgrades are yours when you use willpower in alignment with the light's inner guidance. Worldly success and upgrades follow.
What is it time to release? What would be easy to hold onto but healthier to release?
Can I trust that release will only lead to a better life?
Focus on the strength available for saying no in one direction, so as to say yes in another.