The Eight of Swords is the card of liberation opportunity.
The appearance of the Eight of Swords indicates that you feel trapped in some way or that you recently broke out of a trap!
Your thoughts and lack of actions will help you to liberate yourself if this has not already happened.
This card suggests that you may be using one or more of the following ways to free yourself and if not, you can start now.
A. Celebrate others. Thank people for every way in which they are valuable to you. This showers back on you.
B. Focus on what you most love and do what you most enjoy as often as possible!
C. Be grateful for the smallest of life's gifts.
D. Choose people who uplift you as friends.
E. Balance intensive action with rest and playful fun as much as possible!
F. Pray and meditate!
G. Build good energy with positive thoughts.
H. Be kind to yourself.
Time for a good change or you recently mastered one. This is all good news.
What would you like to experience? What steps can you take to work toward your desire as a goal?
Focus on anything good.