Here you've got a woman who is feeling stuck. She's blindfolded and all tied up. What's keeping her bound, however, is tied loosely enough that she can take it off herself, pull off that blindfold and get to that fine castle in the back if she so chooses.
A lot of times we can undermine ourselves with asking too many what-ifs especially when it comes to relationships. This is the "creating your own problems" card.
We ask what-ifs while trying to beat pain to the punch, when staying in a situation that does not serve us, but we think that we are bound to it and are being held back by our insecurities. Out of all problem cards, the Eight of Swords is great to get, because it is reminding the person I'm reading for that they can get out of the situation themselves if they take on the work to do so.
The best way to get out of your "chains", is to first ground yourself. The more you feel connected to yourself, the more you feel centered, the more confident you will be with making decisions, especially decisions in support of your best self. This connection can be made through meditation, nurturing yourself and things in your life that deeply resonate with you, or taking up something new that will make you feel present.
Give yourself enough space to think proactively on what you'd like to manifest here, in all areas. If you know something isn't good for you, have the courage to leave it. If you are letting your insecurities give you anxiety, cut yourself some slack, and work on cultivating your confidence, whether that's through therapy, or self-help, or exercising, or learning a new skill and being COMFORTABLE with being vulnerable and in process.
More along the lines of insecurity: it is much easier to embrace your flawed self and go towards life openly. It makes others around you relax and feel more like themselves, too, when you are being human. And if they aren't, and are judgmental, they have the problems, not you.
So embrace yourself today. Learn to see the difference between actual problems and problems you are creating yourself that can be solved by action, either with yourself, or with the situation.
Sometimes, this card also just plain symbolizes that you don't know what you need to do to move forward. In times like those, be still. Your gut will tell you what's next if you give it the space to speak to you.