The Eight of Swords speaks of restrictions and constrictions, both physical and mental. When this card appears in a reading you can be sure that a certain feeling of being hemmed in or suppressed is being represented. This can be because of physical limitations owing to illness and the resultant inability to move freely.
Other times this card can represent the boundaries and confines we place on ourselves by underestimating our ability to transcend current circumstances. In this context, the advice is to not dwell on your victimhood as this only perpetuates the problems you face.
It is also possible that other people are judging you unfairly and that you are on the receiving end of slanderous remarks and cruelty. Another manifestation of the Eight of Swords is the restrictions placed on you by the demands of other people and in this instance, you may feel obliged to fulfill other people’s needs before meeting your own.
The Rider Waite deck shows an image of a woman bound, blindfolded, and surrounded by eight swords. This depiction represents being trapped and dumb to one’s circumstances and feeling as though there is no way out as deadly obstacles ( the swords) seem to be omnipresent. The curious thing, though, is that there is a slight clearing between the swords, hinting that there is a way out if only you choose to change your perspective. The red colour of the blindfold represents passion, but also fiery rage, which reveals that you may be dealing with a person so emotionally volatile that they cannot see how they have contributed to their deplorable state of affairs. The pooled clusters of water by the woman’s feet indicate stagnancy as the water is not flowing. When water is in this state, it can become murky, dirty, harbour disease, and this reflects potential sickness of both mind and body.
In a love reading the Eight of Swords can indicate that you feel bullied and victimised by your partner. They may have a harsh tone or you may feel as though you cannot keep up with their demands. It’s possible that you feel as though you are not good enough for them or that this is an unpleasant connection you cannot get out of. Another possibility is that you or your significant other have maladaptive coping strategies and anticipate failure before anything has materially happened. In this case we are dealing with a negative self-concept and a tendency to indulge in victimhood. The darker manifestation of this is mental abuse, as it can represent that you now think so poorly of yourself because of the treatment you endure from your partner, that you believe this relationship is the best you will ever get. Alternatively it can represent that neither one of you is open to the other’s point of view and that you are both stubborn and self-pitying. This card can also signify a fear of being committed.
In a work or career-related reading this card can represent feeling as though you are being unfairly judged: you may even be the victim of workplace bullying. It can also signify that you sabotage your own success out of fear of trying in case you do not succeed.
The Eight of Swords is primarily a card of beliefs, how they hold us back or propel us forward. It is important to note that whether real or merely perceived, the things we believe to be true are often what eventuate and become our external reality. The principal message here is to shine brightly and not to allow fear of judgement or failure hold you back.
Positive Aspects: negative thinking which can be overcome
Negative Aspects: bullying, lack of confidence, physical constraints, mental blocks, poor self-image, psychological abuse, victim mentality, overly self-effacing