The Five of Swords is a card to be on the lookout for if you have a question about legal matters, arguments and disagreements.
You may feel as if you are being judged and not too leniently at that.
There is a certain harshness to this card that brings about a sense that you do not know where you stand, and are not sure what is going to happen from one minute to the next.
I like to read this card in relation to the cards around it as they often paint the picture as to how the meaning of the Five of Swords will play out. This could be anything from a minor disagreement to a full falling out with someone. Either way it is usually accompanied with sharp words.
Also, it may be that you are on the verge of wanting to speak your mind to another and are so worked up that you are not sure you can control your temper. If this is the case be careful what you say. It may have the effect of cutting the other person down to size for the time being, only to find that if you handled things differently the outcome could've been a lot better for you.
Positive cards surrounding the Five of Swords indicate a positive outcome. Usually however, it is negative cards that surround it, because once a situation reaches the stage of the Five of Swords there is precious little patience left in holding back what you wish to say.
If you feel as though you are going to lose your temper without warning, or say something you may regret which could have longstanding consequences, ask yourself if it will be worth it. On the other hand if you are at the receiving end of this type of behaviour, forewarned is forearmed, you may just like to walk away before the Five of Swords escalates the situation further.