The Five of Swords is a card of warning, a sign to step out of your own way.
It is telling you, "Put your oxygen mask on now, or this plane is going down."
Is life feeling a little bumpy, like turbulence on a plane? Do you feel uncertain, like you are grasping for something that is just out of reach? Is there anger and discord between you and another? This card asks you all of these questions.
The Five of Swords speaks to self-sabotage and self-destruction. Temptation is near and this card warns against the lure of all that you know to be detrimental to your well-being.
You have come a long way and the past is far behind you. However, there are times when triggers affect you and situations arise to ask if you truly are free of the bonds from the past. This is one of those times.
And if this moment feels like everything is plummeting, then you must remember to breathe. Oxygen to the brain can change the way you see things. Think about being on a plane and the flight attendant saying, "In the event of an emergency, you must put the oxygen mask on yourself first. If you don't you will die." That is the message this card brings you now. It is time to take care of yourself. You are the emergency.
The past can no longer hold you back unless you let it. You have worked very hard to get to where you are. You have within you all you need to keep going on your path. So keep going.
This card requires you to add, or reinstate, self-love and care to your daily routine. You are no good to anyone if you are not good to yourself. Also remember to find time to just be still and let your inner self, the voice that speaks from your heart, be heard. Listen to that voice as much as you can; it knows the way.
Today's Meditation:
Step into your sacred space, find stillness, relax. Set a timer for 10-20 minutes. Breathe deeply, slowly, mindfully. Place your right hand in the center of your chest and experience the vibration that is you. Become defenseless, open to love, the love you are made of.
Silently to yourself, or out loud, repeat the mantra: "My power comes from within. I follow the guidance of my heart."
When the timer goes off, release your mantra. Be still for as long as you can. Be aware of how you feel, your strength, your power. Enjoy!