Additional deck interpretation:
The Five of Swords points you towards a path of knowing that "might is not always right" as you continue your journey through the seventy-eight passageways of growth.
This is the level on your continuous cycle of change where you learn that those who win a battle or disagreement to appease their ego often lose something in the exchange, and those who engage in bullying will eventually receive their comeuppance.
The Five of Swords is associated with someone who is overstepping boundaries, biting off more than they can chew, or allowing their ego to override their common sense. Someone involved will win the battle, but lose the war.
You may have had to walk away from a stormy situation and you felt defeated because someone was using their position of authority to bully you, disrespect you, or use inappropriate behavior toward you and would not face the consequences of their actions until later!
Then again, you may have got stuck in a moment or had to stand up for yourself and not let someone push you around, or maybe you walked away because you did not want to throw more logs into the fire and thought, "What good will it do? Will it help? Probably not! Best to just think about this and formulate a new plan that will more likely bring success!"
Numerical Number 5: This number indicates a "heads-up" situation. You might experience a personal or professional struggle, need to make an adjustment to overcome a problem, or experience a hidden prophecy that makes you start over to connect with the right path at a later date.
The Element of Air: The Five of Swords is associated with the elemental air qualities of the planet Uranus (unexpected changes) and the zodiac sign of Aquarius. The combination of Uranus in Aquarius might make you call a spade a spade and you might enjoy the revolution.
Probable Outcome: You might be suffering from a relationship breakdown including arguments, bullying and intimidation. Perhaps your partner is treating you badly, or your lover might be betraying you by secretly cheating with another lover.
You might be experiencing a nasty separation, divorce, or dealing with the interference of a third party.
You may be having conflicts at work from clashing personalities, a boss who humiliates others to stay in control or a tense work environment full of bitterness.
Or something has come out from behind the scenes such as a hidden enemy who is hurting your reputation or a jealous person who gossips behind your back.
Possible Outcome: You might be trying to open up communications to repair a relationship and start treating each other with respect.
Or you are moving away from a relationship and accepting the separation, divorce, or the interference of a third party because you know your lover will not change and will continue to cheat.
You may be looking for a new job to move away from work conflicts and a tense environment full of bitterness.
Or you might be dealing with a hidden enemy who wants to trash your repetition, a jealous person who gossips behind your back, or a cheating lover.
Then again, you might not be able to channel the Five of Swords' energies into your life. If this is the case, then you are not ready to move away from a personal or professional relationship because you need more time to think things through.
Timing: The Five of Swords predicts that an important thought is first turned inwards, then turned outwards to resolve a conflict. A hidden prophecy or unexpected event may be on the verge of happening in the next 1-3 weeks.
The cards that are enumerated five are associated with a hidden prophecy, or a difficult situation. Something might break down and force you to start over for a reason. The only way to start over is to break down the existing path so that you are free from it and cannot go back and you won't see the beauty in this painful experience until later.