The Four of Swords appears when it is time to benefit from meditation, rest, imagination and renewal.
Are you overwhelmed, perplexed, uncertain? Time for complete rejuvenation.
Take time to sit in the silent neutral void of the heart. Go through your personal flavor of self, back into the universal love flow. Remove yourself from the activity of life to sit in the quiet like a tree.
Be peace. Find your way there with silence, with the body as your temple, with your heartbeat as your steering wheel, with your breath as your chariot. Drink lots of water. If the mind gets distracted, say to yourself “I love you" over and over again. Be kind to self.
Also take time to sleep. Do nothing. Let it all go. Release responsibilities for a nap when possible. Let life rearrange and take care of itself. Pause. Take time out with nothing else added in. If you can, have time in solitude. Just you or you and a beloved animal friend. Take a pause from loved humans.
In addition, take time to let your imagination flow. Let rejuvenating images emerge. Set an intention that your consciousness write a happy script. Allow the flow of imagination to draw up happy scenarios.
To help yourself engage in the quiet, play music you enjoy, use scents from flowers or oils that please you, get some exercise, and eat a wholesome tasty organic meal silently.
You will see the world through different eyes. You will hear the tones in all voices differently. You will perceive meanings from life in new ways. You will find freshness in your normal routine when you re-emerge.
Is it impossible to do this practice away from your family? Invite the entire family to create downtime together. Explain the value. Perhaps the kids can meditate for a few minutes and play, while you and your spouse take turns in meditation and naps. Find a way to make this work as the benevolent repercussion will be ongoing afterwards.
When you deny the influence of the Four of Swords energy, you are denying these fundamental requirements of self-restoration. No need to keep pushing. Stop! If you must give your responsibilities over to others for even a day it will be well worth it. Giving the mind a vacation, the body a rest, and the heart a natural relaxer is vital.
The Four of Swords indicates that you are being fully supported by the universal flow while you take a much-needed pause.
Not time to think. Be still.
Sit in the silence.