The Four of Swords is a card of reflection and stasis.
In the images displayed in the Rider Waite and other decks, a sarcophagus is shown with a figure in a state of repose with one sword below it and three above it. This represents an individual who has become fatigued by the world and the people around them and is in need of a well earned period of solace and recuperation.
Since the suit of Swords traditionally signifies mental or verbal processes, this card can show that you or someone around you has been prone to overthinking and has become extremely drained. It can also warn you that your plans need further information or order to proceed. This card often appears when a querent needs to halt their path and seek guidance from those who may be more experienced. When this card shows in your reading be prepared to put your plans on hold, take a break, or scrutinise your plan of action further. If you have been running at full pelt and wearing yourself out, be forewarned that you are indeed at risk of “burnout” and running out of steam.
In a love reading this card can show that your partner needs to take a break from you in order to seek their own inner guidance as to what their next step should be. Alternatively it can also show that they feel that your attentions are much too intense and they need to maintain their space and boundaries. Since this card often shows in relation to overthinking, it can tell you that your partner has worn themselves out thinking about the potential eventualities of your relationship and needs to take a moment to gather their thoughts and compose themselves. More prosaically, it can alert you to the fact that they are just tired and their distance doesn’t have anything to do with you.
The Four of Swords often shows a pause in the progression of a relationship. This is not necessarily a negative thing as this card is not associated with final endings such as the Ten of Swords. More often than not, it foreshadows a period in a relationship where one or both of you will search your heart and mind as to whether it is wise to hold onto one another. The positive news is that couples often rekindle their affections after the pause shown by the Four of Swords.
In a work or business related reading the Four of Swords can represent many things. For one it can show that plans have been shelved. You need to ask someone in a more senior position for advice or since all was not as you thought it should be, you need to reassess your course of action. It can also warn you that you are neglecting your self care, running yourself ragged because you are obsessing over your career. Alternatively it can alert you to the need to reflect further on whether this is a course of action you want to pursue. The Four of Swords can be relatively positive as it can show that, for the time being, your job is safe even though it may under consideration whether or not your employer will keep you.
Other meanings can include, needing a break from the outside world, retreating from social media, social anxiety, and mistrusting those around you.
Keywords: solitude, distrust, resorting to experts, pausing for thought, mental exhaustion, self-imposed isolation