Additional deck interpretation:
The Four of Swords points you towards a path of taking a self-imposed time out - a recovery period - as you continue your journey through the seventy-eight passageways of growth.
This next level on your continuous cycle of change indicates a time to slow down, recharge your batteries and regain some sense of control over your current struggles. Difficult experiences with heavy emotional trauma have really taken their toll on you.
The energies of the Four of Swords suggest that you need to give your body, mind and spirit a rest and put yourself in a slow-down period to get away from the overwhelming stress you are going through.
Your recovery period might include practicing meditation, reconnecting to a higher source through prayer, seeking a spiritual guide, or looking inwards to awaken your third eye to understand your situation on a deeper level. You need to withdraw from your struggle and get away, but you also need to trust in your faith to help you overcome the situation.
Sometimes when you withdraw from the world, you might have a hard time getting back into the company of others. Since you may now feel safer and really comfortable going it alone, you might need someone to help you return from your isolation.
Numerical Number 4: This number indicates a foundation that does not have the sturdy roots of the oak tree. The Four of Swords reminds you that this is the time when you need to think everything through carefully, reevaluate your foundation and make a decision based on your beliefs and value system.
The Element of Air: This Sword is associated with the elemental air qualities of the planet Mercury (how the mind works) and the zodiac sign of Libra. The combination of Mercury in Libra makes you look within to find the answer to the question you are asking.
Probable Outcome: You might be experiencing a breakdown within your relationship or be dealing with an abusive relationship that is mentally or physically exhausting.
You might decide you need to get away to be alone and meditate, or you might go to church and pray, or seek spiritual guidance.
You may decide to take a vacation to get away from the stress.
You might be recovering from an illness or surgery, or recovering from the death of someone close to you, or working with a hospice or counseling.
You might be dealing with a layoff, or need to heal from working too hard, or need to heal from a mentally-exhausting situation.
Possible Outcome: You might experience eventual success with a problematic or abusive relationship because you are in counseling, trying to make it work.
You might be returning to your normal activities, but you are taking one step at a time and not pushing yourself or perhaps you are returning from a vacation and feel renewed.
You may be recovering from an illness or surgery, or working with a hospice or counseling, or you might be looking for a better job that is not mentally exhausting.
Then again, you might not be able to channel energies of the Four of Swords into your life. If this is the case, you are still healing and do not want to commit to anything. You might be depressed and need professional help. You might need a friend to help you come out of isolation.
Timing: The Four of Swords predicts that an important thought is turned inwards and continues to linger. This event may occur in the next hours or days to come.