The King of Swords is a mysterious king of an incongruous mixture, not easily understood. His universal connection to the infinite, combined with his mastery of words, makes him enticing.
In truth, he is doing a lot of inner work and is often confused by what he finds in himself. He is immersed enough in the clear intended universal that the personal is very perplexing to him.
He's often projected onto. People recreate him to be whatever is missing in their own life. He could take on any identity so he doesn't ever seem to fit
When the King of Swords appears, you are struggling with the contrast between your deeply wise knowing of all life aspects and your inability to adapt to any societal norm. This allows people to view you in many ways that you do not view yourself.
Old soul that you are, with as many lifetimes as you have had, nothing makes sense. You can't fall for any societal illusion though you can articulate all of it. Not an easy road.
Who are you personally? You aren't quite sure of that. You are more of a soul-essence than a set of beliefs. As for universal truths, you see and articulate everyone and every situation with sharp clarity that is very rare. You make a great teacher and you become a bit of a teacher for all your friends.
The King of Swords means well and does his very best. He utilizes intellect and words to maneuver good realities. Can he figure out how to screw a new curtain hanger in the drywall or how to clean the kitchen floor. Hmm? That is another story, He will try very hard but simple physical tasks seem to elude him.
Sometimes this card appears when you have a King of Swords in your life. You may be gaga-eyed at his quick wording and insight. You don't know the full person.
When the King of Swords consciousness is ignored, you become so befuddled by your ability to see every view point imaginable, that you no longer makes sense to anyone. It's an innocent problem and an unusual one. You will find your way out of it.
The King of Swords is fully-evolved universal consciousness awareness in a person who is a beloved misfit.
What is most important in this moment?
Feel your love for all.