At his best, the King of Swords is analytical, ethical, and intellectual. At his worst, controlling.
Let's start with the latter. If you are in a situation where you are in the position of dealing with someone controlling, make sure that you are making appropriate boundaries. Do not be afraid to speak up, or step back. You are your own person with your own thoughts and values and energy, and anyone who shakes you out of your balance with those things needs a wide berth, so you can maintain your own integrity.
If you are the person who is being too controlling of a situation, step back and breathe, and ask yourself why. The more we ease up and allow for life to come in and collaborate with us in what we are planning or trying to accomplish, the more we are able to move through things with ease. Your value is not tied up in this one thing. This is especially true with people.
Typically when we want to control others or situations too, it is because we don't feel in control of ourselves or circumstances. And why does it bother us? Because we are letting some fear get in the way, and forgetting how to trust circumstances moving forward and that whatever happens is in our best interest.
Sometimes what happens in our best interest isn't always easy, but trusting that whatever didn't work is giving way to something that will, will help you move through moments with a little more faith.
Also, know that if you are in a situation, say at work, where you might be in charge of others, you get far better results allowing others the space to be able to do what they are good at. The less people have to work through the lens of wondering if someone trying to micromanage them will like what they are doing, the more they are able to think freely and work better, giving you the result that you want.
If the positive character traits of this card come up with a person around you, get to know them. While sometimes this character isn't the warmest of creatures, people who tend to live in their mind usually have an interesting perspective on the world. Be open and don't let that intimidate you.
When someone else knows more than you about something, that is an opportunity to learn, not a deficit to be insecure about. While some can be judgmental of others for not having specific knowledge, those with good generous hearts will want you to share in their joy of what they know.