The King of Swords represents intellect, action, justice, balance, strength, clarity of mind, and focus. He acts according to his life purpose, is aligned with his thoughts, words, actions, knows who he truly is, why he is here.
This King speaks only his truth but does so with compassion and love. He is very connected to the angelic realm and knows that all he must do is ask and he will receive. He remembers there are no such things as limitations and uses his thoughts to create his reality.
The King of Swords knows that peace can only be found within. Although he reigns in the external world, he is able to do so with beauty because he is so connected to the internal world. He is guided by Divine grace and love. He knows what needs be done and he does it. This King takes great pride in what he does and only exists in the present moment.
When this card shows up in your life, you are exhorted to take action. To focus on the job at hand. To get done what needs to be done. Additionally, this King reminds you to be mindful and present in everything you do. To do whatever it is in front of you like it is the most important thing in your world. To be in a state of gratitude and joy, even while doing something as mundane as washing the dishes - especially while doing the mundane. Celebrate all aspects of your life as Divine. And know that if you keep up, you will be kept up.
You may be experiencing a time of inertia, not wanting to move forward; not resisting change, just not doing anything in order to move you in the direction you wish to go. You may have been feeling tired lately and overwhelmed.
The King of Swords is here to help you remember your power and strength. He is here to show you that by completing what's in front of you, the path will unfold with effortless ease. Focus on your joy, follow it, do what makes you happy, and trust that you are on path.
This is a time to get up, to get moving, and get inspired. You are a creative being, an infinite being, one who has the power to create anything you want. What do you want? It is time to focus on your true life's purpose. You came here for a reason; it is time to remember.
If you have a question about love, know that your King or Queen is right around the corner. This person will possess all the qualities of the King of Swords. You will be well-suited for each other. This is the person who you have been calling in. Trust that you are safe and that you can be your true self. Strong, powerful love is here!
If your question concerns career or finances, the King of Swords tells you to look at the overall picture. To be clear about what you want and focus on that. Take actions to align you with what you want. Be, Do, Have! The 'world is your oyster', move with compassion and grace, give back as much as you receive.
If your question is regarding your spirituality, this card tells you that this is a time for great transformation and connection with your angels. Call on them, let them fill you with light and remove the heavy weight you no longer need. Ask them for help and be open to receiving. You are surrounded by love. You are made of love, remember?
Today's Meditation:
Come to a comfortable position with a straight spine. Take slow deep breaths and relax your entire body. Soften your skin, your muscles, your bones. Focus on your breathing for a few minutes, simply following your breath as it moves in and out of your body.
Then say out loud as you inhale, "I AM" and as you exhale beginning reciting all the things you are:
In love
Do this for as long as you can, then simply return to your breathing for a few more minutes. Enjoy the stillness!