The dualistic nature of the Knight of Swords may have you thinking that you don't know where you are from one minute to the next.
This is a man, although usually not one of maturity, who is quick thinking, quick acting and generally hard to pin down.
If he has entered your life you better be on your toes, as he can lead you on a merry dance… the operative word there being “lead".
This man thinks a lot and the clue is that this is a Sword card so it is ruled by the Air element. Think Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, all these are air signs and all want a good intellectual conversation and sometimes, or often, also want the emotional element left out of that conversation.
The Knight of Swords can ride in on his high horse one week and you and he are getting on like a house on fire. The next week he may be gone so you need to keep him mentally and intellectually stimulated because his attention span can waver if he is not challenged enough.
Intellectual ideas and conversations are a great challenge for him, as he can use his fine mind in an effort to show you what he knows. You also need to contribute to the conversation, so it would be wise to brush up on a topic that interests him and yourself so you can hold your own within a conversation together.
Do not go placing all your hopes and dreams on this man because he can be rather flippant. A woman who is clingy will not keep him in her life for long. You have to show you have an independent mind and enjoy your own freedom. If you sway from this state of mind remind yourself, the clue to this man is within the challenge and that challenge is intellectual.