The Knight of Swords swooping into your life could denote aggression, but also could also be telling you that you are going to have to be prepared to pounce on something.
As far as being prepared, an opportunity, career or otherwise, might be coming your way and will need your attention immediately. Do not put off dealing with this opening, as timing will be key to success in this situation.
Concerning aggression, ask yourself what situation in your life might do with some more understanding or more patience. This could be with your emotions, whether going from zero to angry about something quickly. Or it could be that you are trying to force something a little too much right now, perhaps in a relationship or work situation.
If it's anger, make sure you stand up for yourself in an appropriate way if the moment calls for it. But try to take a few moments to breathe through everything, so you can make sure you are thinking clearly. Don't be coming from a place that is bound together with a lot of other stresses in your life or underlying pain that you don't want to deal with.
The goal is to never act from a place of anger, but of course we are human, and sometimes reacting happens to the best of us.
If the aggression has to do with a situation you are trying to force, back off. Know that if you are trying to force anything, such as with that guy or gal you might have your eye on, the second you feel that way, step back. Make sure you are allowing space for things to grow in a balanced manner.
Healthy situations evolve from taking time to do things right. Don't feel you need to write your whole story in one day.
Also, if someone is trying to force something with you and it feels wrong, respect yourself enough to step back and draw boundaries. Typically, when people are aggressive about something, they are imbalanced in themselves and usually seeking stability through outside sources. So make sure if that sounds like you or someone else, know that balance is needed.