The Knight of Swords rides in, in a flash, full of passion, strength and determination. He is brave, takes action and has the necessary skills to make his actions succeed.
He arrives on his steady steed, showing he is not going this alone - there is help!
He holds his sword high and cuts through the obstacles and illusions of this world. He is guaranteed sweet victory as long as he tempers his actions with insight.
When the Knight of Swords shows up on your path you know that the direction you are moving in is working for you. You feel the rush of creativity, you feel inspired, and your actions are manifesting what you have been working towards for what seems like a long time! You are here; enjoy the path, the process. This is the fun part.
Remember that you are not alone, nor do you need to do it all by yourself. Use the help that the universe has sent in, and allow the flow to connect you to the whole. We are not isolated parts working for ourselves; we are all one working for the collective good. What is good for you is good for all and so it goes. When we remember to come together to create, to live, to grow, we continue our evolution towards the highest good!
Also remember to take time for introspection. The Knight can get carried away in action, action, action. You must stop, get still, get clear, and continue to remain focused on your goal while keeping true to your intention. You are operating on a higher vibration when you stay tuned in to your inner self and let that Divine wisdom be your guiding light.
The Knight is brave and overcomes fear. Right now you may be experiencing a sense of heaviness, feeling that you will not be able to get to the end. Call on the Knight to help you face your fear, to let go of doubt, and to move in a space of love and trust. And also know that there is no end, no beginning. Again, it is not about the destination, but the journey itself. Look around, soak it in, pay attention to your angels and guides, and most importantly, have fun!
If your question is about love, The Knight of Swords could literately mean you are about to get swept off your feet. Open yourself up to love. It is coming. If you are already in a relationship, this Knight rides in to ramp things up, to turn up the heat so to speak, in a very positive way. Either way, enjoy the ride!
If your question is regarding money or finances, this card can mean that there will be unexpected money coming in all of a sudden. Use it wisely! The Knight can be rash. Remember to turn up your inner guidance in all that you do.
If your question refers to your career, keep charging ahead, You are either right at the door to the job you have been seeking, or your current job is about to explode in a positive way, offering you new doors to let your creativity shine!
Today's Meditation:
Get comfortable and relax. Breathe deeply, slowly, mindfully. Close your eyes.
Silently to yourself repeat the words, "I am peace, I am joy, I am love, I am light!"
Repeat these words over and over for 10-20 minutes. If your mind starts to drift, just bring yourself back to these words.
When you are finished just be still for a while and listen. You will be amazed at what you hear!