The Knight of Swords is a maelstrom of chaos and aggression. He is prone to thinking before he speaks or acts and he is completely devoid of sentimentality. When this card appears, you should be alert that a character with a vicious and violent temper is in your midst.
In the Rider Waite deck, this Knight is shown with only half the body of his horse visible, as though he is suspended mid air in the throes of a conflict and has just entered the fray unexpectedly.
His sword is pointed as though towards an enemy and he wears a menacing expression on his face. The clouds in the background of the card are shaped similarly to thunderbolts, hinting at the explosive and electrifying conflicts that this Knight involves himself in.
This is a Knight who is filled with passionate hatred. He takes what he wants without caring about consequences and he will convey his point without any delicacy or tact. When he appears in your reading, you ought to prepare yourself for a fierce and fiery conflict. Bar brawls, fisticuffs, altercations, and physical violence are his specialities.
In a love reading, the appearance of the Knight of Swords is an overwhelmingly negative omen. It signifies that your person of interest is unkind, vicious, and will take a blunt and at times cruel approach with you. It can also reveal that they are capable of being horribly sarcastic and vicious with their words towards you.
This card can represent an individual who will keep changing their partners, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake, yet not take any accountability for their role in the demise of a partnership. This knight is also known to signify paranoia and jealous tendencies. At his worst, he is capable of physical abuse.
In a work-related reading the Knight of the Swords is a more positive card. It shows that you have grit, vision, and persistence to pursue your goals. Not easily dissuaded by any setbacks, you cut to the heart of any matter with lightning speed and precision, making you a formidable adversary. Conversely the knight of swords can warn you of stiff competition in your chosen field and that you ought to increase the momentum of your efforts as there are those who are willing to achieve their objectives at any cost.
Traditionally this card is associated with those in the military and as such is a favourable card to have appear when reading for an individual in that field. In such a context, the Knight of Swords indicates advancement and progress.
Positive Aspects: progress, advancement, determination, decisive action
Negative Aspects: violence, verbal attacks, impudence, callous behaviour, destruction