Additional deck interpretation:
The Knight of Swords points you towards a path of rapid, stormy, and whirlwind-like changes as you continue your journey through the seventy-eight passageways of growth.
This is the level on your continuous cycle of change when, in order to become the champion of your own life, or in order to help someone else, you ride pell-mell into the fray and accept that the outcome will result in immediate changes in your life.
The Knight of Swords is a harbinger of sudden changes brought about by quickly-executed actions.
He works for justice and is not afraid to ride into a battle. He is swift and fast-moving and does not move with caution like the Page of Swords. Rather, he embraces the challenges of life and follows his head instead of his heart to achieve an important goal or to solve a problem.
He is restless, impatient, a fast talker, constantly on the move, a multitasker who cannot sit still. His mind is razor-sharp, always churning, analyzing and planning what his next step will be in order to find a quick solution to solve a problem.
The Knight of Swords looks at everything logically to reach the best conclusion. He does not waste time and let the grass grow under his feet. He is instead the lawnmower, puts his plans into action and goes for it.
Numerical Number 12: This number consists of: 1 (a new beginning) + 2 (being in a waiting period to make a decision) = 3 (rebirth and creating something new after you make the right decision).
Coupled with the Knight of Swords, this number indicates an educational process, a new experience, or the time to shed old habits and resolve something to achieve success and realize a long-awaited dream.
The Element of Air: The Knight of Swords is associated with the planet Mercury (how the mind works) and the zodiac sign of Gemini. The combination of Mercury in Gemini brings something to a head or brings about an unexpected change.
Probable Outcome: You might be dealing with a challenging situation, competing with someone else, or you might need to use your power to stand up for yourself.
Or you might be looking for professional advice to make an important decision.
You might meet a workaholic or someone comes into your life to help you. This person could work for the military, law, media, or medical industry, or be a technical rookie or engineer.
When it comes to romance, if the Knight is crossed by a love card, you might get swept off your feet. He is attracted to a sophisticated and intelligent individual who he can communicate with for hours, someone who gives him the mental stimulation he needs.
Possible Outcome: If you are dealing with a challenging situation, competing with someone, or needing to stand up for yourself, you will not let emotions and fear hold you back. You love riding into a battle just for the thrill.
Maybe you are looking for professional advice to make an important decision because you cannot find someone who meets your standards.
You might meet a workaholic, or someone who comes in your life to help you who is very aggressive or arrogant.
When it comes to romance, if the Knight is crossed by a love card, you might get swept off your feet, but when the thrill of the chase is over or his curiosity wanes, he might vanish. Just be careful with this one because you might experience the "Dear John or Dear Jane Event" - a new beginning followed by a sudden ending.
Then again, you might not be able to channel the Knight of Swords' energies into your life. If this is the case, then you like living on the edge or like living a reckless and unpredictable lifestyle.
Timing: The Knight of Swords predicts that an important thought is turned inwards, then turned outwards to solve a problem. This event may occur in 1-12 days.