The Queen of Swords is a smart, intelligent woman who uses her head over her heart.
She can cut to the bottom of a matter quickly and whilst this has the advantages of using logic to facilitate an outcome, it may also have the disadvantage of not taking into account all those tricky emotions that can get in the way when a situation is not looked at from all angles.
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are the air signs associated with the Queen of Swords, and just like these signs, there is a mental agility and ease of communication with this woman. She does not mince her words and looks at life through a rational and focused mind. Words can be used as her weapon against others, yet she is also great at choosing the right words for a situation when it is called for.
She is fair and impartial, which is common in the air signs as they tend to filter emotions through the intellect. The Queen of Swords also needs a partner who is intellectual. If this is a woman who has just come into your life, you may wish to brush up on what is going on in the world so you have something interesting to talk about.
She is witty and amusing alongside having a constant thirst for knowledge.
Truth is important to her, and if she suspects that she is being deceived she may want to see the evidence in black and white as to what you are telling her.
This is a woman you cannot easily deceive. Even when her thoughts seem to be elsewhere, she is busily sifting through the facts in an effort to come to a conclusion. Best make sure you are on the right side of her so as not to incur the wrath of her words.