The Queen of Swords holds power. Either she is very content in her solitude arenas of life or she is feeling lonely. Which persona are you? She is expected to hold the throne. Are you enjoying your current role or would you like a shift?
This Queen is in a role where people put her on a pedestal, or criticize her, or a bit of both. How much does it really have to do with her? What is important is that you find the way to enjoy this role. Perhaps you already do enjoy this aspect of you very much!
The Queen of Swords uses words to maintain her role and imagination to fuel her playful work. Outside she appears to hold a steady, cold, and aloof posture. Inside she is growing and flexible like everyone else.
This Queen lives alone emotionally which feels great for some of you, not so for others. Either way, happiness with this self aspect is to be found!
Her desires, if known to her at all, are very private. For some this feels ideal. For others, more sharing brings happiness.
The Queen of Swords has the potential to change gears at any time.
Were you expected by your family to carry on the family professional legacy? Were you born into a role of stature that has little to do with who you are? Or are you in the perfect role for your heart ad soul? Are you questioning the difference between your professional identity and what you feel? Or is your identity an ideal expression of who you are deep inside? Or are you in a relationship to please the family and society? Or are you in the role that gives you most fulfillment?
If the lesson available from the Queen of Swords consciousness is overlooked, a person may create a dangerously wide gap between self and persona presented to the world. This can lead to immense loneliness, depression and illness. But when one makes peace with the queen aspect of self, the times of solitude are miraculous!
Try to be tenderly honest with yourself. Look into who you are. Celebrate this! Look into ways to be most real with others. You may be a master at this already. Look at possibilities of changing your life path even if others will greatly object or enjoy the profound peace you have found. It is your life, not theirs. What do you crave? For what or whom do you have passion?
Who am I really? Ask again and again.
Focus on your heart until you feel joyously with yourself.