The Queen of Swords is clear-headed, clever, an advocate for truth and her experience has earned her respect from all who know her.
When this card shows up you are asked to embrace the qualities of the Queen. Be focused and positive, speak your truth and do not be swayed by the opinions of others.
Know you are the Queen in your life; own it.
There are instances in life when you realize that everything you have experienced has happened to guide you to this exact place. This is one of those moments.
You feel your truth in way you haven't felt it for a long time. You can see the big picture and it makes you smile. Life feels joyful and you feel strong.
You've come along way, baby. Your path has been full of surprises yet they all worked out in ways you never imagined. The Queen of Swords is showing up to remind you to step into this moment fully and wholeheartedly. You have got this.
Others may have ideas and advice on what it is you need to do, but you know, maybe for the first time, that all the answers you seek are within yourself. You are living your truth and the opinions of others are no longer your concern.
This is not to say that you have alienated yourself; quite the contrary, you feel a connection to those close to you and you know it's authentic. Life feels good.
This card is here to ask that you embrace it all. You have worked long to get here; enjoy the way it feels. Have fun with it, be flirtatious with life. Let your sensuality rise and honor who you truly are. Let the sacred femininity that exists in us all come out to play.
You are the Queen and this is your show.
Today's Meditation:
Step into your sacred space, find stillness, relax. Set a timer for 10-20 minutes.
Breathe deeply, slowly, mindfully. Place your right hand in the center of your chest and experience the vibration that is you.
Become defenseless. Open to love, the love you are made of.
Silently to yourself, or out loud, repeat the mantra: "I Am."
When your timer goes off, release your mantra. Feel your openness to it all. Enjoy the way it feels.