Will you stay or will you go?
There is a certain restlessness with the Seven of Swords, wherein someone is perhaps physically leaving but part of them is looking at what they have left behind.
This gives the impression they are on their way out of a situation yet they still cannot bring themselves to leave 100%.
If you are going through a break up at the moment and are not sure what is going on, this card suggests the other person has not fully made up their mind on what they will do next. They may be gone from your life, yet part of them remains. The surrounding cards in the spread show what they may do next, what they are thinking/feeling and also more information on where they are heading, whether this be back to you or further afield.
The best thing to do within a situation such as this is to allow them enough space to explore for themselves what it is they need, whilst at the same time set firm boundaries for yourself.
This has the effect of not only allowing you some leeway in where you stand, which may have been denied you from the other person's actions, but it also let's the other person see you are not going to wait around forever while they waiver back and forth in a constant state of decision making.
You, on the other hand, have sent them a firm message on what you are doing, and by doing so may very well have taken back your own power.