The Seven of Swords appears when something is incognito. Look carefully, for either you are not, or someone else in your life is not seeing the full picture yet. Overlooking something of importance can can happen to any of us at any time. There is positive opportunity here. Once you see freshly, miracles can happen!
The person who doesn't look at a bigger picture may lose trust in life. His confidence is shaken. He doesn't know that the universe will provide abundantly with honesty and love. As a result, he maneuvers selfish tactics to get something at another's loss. You may have experienced someone else's poor choices affecting you. Or you may have made poor choices. Nothing to worry about! It's time for a beautiful change!
This card is often an indicator of what is hidden. By getting clarity at what was not seen, good times will come.
Someone could have a kind heart, treat others well and have no deceitful plans toward others. However, he tells himself a personal story that is absolutely not true. Or you might have invalidated your own goodness. Look carefully at what exactly has been misseen.
None-helpful patterns can be changed! Ask life to assist you.
If you are hiding something good from yourself, or scary from yourself, take a peek now! Good comes when we look.
The Seven of Swords perspective is often founded on the untrue notion that what is done behind closed doors, even the doors of one's brain, is nobody else's business. That is funny. Looking honestly provides far better results.
Sometimes this card is picked by someone who is being betrayed, but other times by someone simply needing a vaster perspective. This is a wonderful warning sign to look more carefully at a situation and receive the benefits of doing so.
By ignoring the potential wisdom available from the Seven of Swords consciousness, opportunity is overlooked. Life can fall apart from many directions. Health, financial, and love problems are likely on the way. However, you picked this card to open your eyes, and allow in miracles! Yay for you.
The Seven of Swords is a card of hiding.
What is being overlooked? Now that I see, what are the benefits or changes available?
Imagine life bringing you all you ask via your honesty.