The Seven of Swords is a card of deception and separation, a forewarning that all is not what it seems to be.
Do you feel alienated from your people? Are you questioning another's integrity? Have you taken a long hard look at yourself lately? Are you running away from something or someone?
These are all good questions to ask when the Seven of Swords shows up on your path.
People come into our lives for a reason. Some are here to remind us how to love without conditions, some are here to remind us to how to forgive and some are here for both. There is a person in your life right now who requires both.
You may be feeling like there is no one you can trust, like you are an outsider looking in and all you see just seems like a big charade. Your ego is telling you to march ahead and confront the people in your life, hold them responsible for your unhappiness and demand restitution.
However, this is a time that your intuition is telling you to step back and reassess your situation. You are being asked to move into your heart and to find peace inside yourself. Another's actions does not have the power to rattle you unless you let it. Your truth and another's truth may be very different, yet the universal truth will always prevail. Step into a space of love and let the truth rise.
Unconditional love and forgiveness does not mean you accept unacceptable behavior. Instead, it means you no longer allow someone else's choices to affect your peace.
You remember that we all come from the same source and we are all here for a reason. We just awaken in different ways.
Remember, my friend, how to forgive.
The truth is making its way to the surface; it always does. Just remember that inside of this truth is another soul who comes from the same source that you do.
Ask your angels and guides to help you at this time. Turn to the people in your life who are solid and true and remember that in this life, sometimes we have to let go to find peace.
Today's Meditation:
Find a quiet space. Get comfortable, relax, and be still. Let the stillness take over and allow yourself to soften into the moment.
Silently to yourself repeat the mantra: "I am free."
Speak these words over and over for as long as you can. Then say them out loud three times. Release the mantra and just be free!
Let go of it all, and know you are made from love, that there is only love. Let the power of love take you.
Enjoy the ride!