When the Seven of Swords appears, it presents a most disquieting omen. It signifies underhandedness, being undermined, undercut, thwarted, deceived, and unseated.
Be forewarned. When this card appears it advises you to be alert, that those closest to you may not have your best interests at heart, that they secretly covet what you have worked hard to achieve, and are looking to plunder your resources.
Or, these qualities may be applicable to you. Perhaps you are looking to undercut someone or are engaged in deceptive and dishonest behaviour.
At times the Seven of Swords represents one’s own ability to deceive oneself and if this the case, the advice is to look at the circumstances with clear eyes and to not indulge in fantasies. Alternatively the Seven of Swords can indicate victimisation and scapegoating, that you will be assigned blame for circumstances and outcomes which are not of your making.
The positive manifestation of this card is within the context of the querent hoping to mislead others. In this instance, although the motivations for pursuing a course of action are not pure, the end goal will be achieved.
In the Rider Waite deck a mischievous and artful thief is shown making good his escape on skillful tiptoes from what appears to be an encampment of some sort. He is depicted as looking over his shoulder to ensure that his treachery is not detected. This imagery is the epitome of trickery, deception, and betrayal.
In a love reading the Seven of Swords is not the most positive card. It signifies that your person of interest is misleading you in some way, that they harbour secrets and perhaps nefarious intentions. This most commonly alerts you to the fact that you may be being cheated either in terms of fidelity or that your partner is ravaging your resources. It can also reflect that you yourself are deceiving your partner but that for the foreseeable future, your trickery will not be revealed. This card sometimes appears to indicate delusion, that you or your partner are deceiving yourselves that your relationship is healthy, when in fact it is anything but.
In a work or career-related reading, the Seven of Swords is an unnerving card. It signifies that your co-workers are looking to undermine and thwart your progress. They bear ill will towards you and are deeply resentful of your success. It can also represent an organisation that is ruthlessly cutthroat and unethical in some way and that you ought to be careful not to fall foul of any legalities. In a more positive aspect, this card can symbolise plans to change tack in your profession unbeknownst to your employer.
Positive Aspects: change of plans, your secrets will not be revealed
Negative Aspects: treachery, theft, deceit, being the victim of scapegoating, jealousy, infidelity, self-deception, unethical practices